Monday, March 27, 2006

BMW Oracle christen USA-87, inaugurate base

BMW Oracle Racing, the Challenger of Record of the 32nd America's Cup, unveiled and christened this evening in Valencia their brand new boat USA-87.

Unlike Luna Rossa last week, the American challenger did not launch their boat, as this has already been done, at least unofficially.

It is obvious that all eyes and cameras were on USA-87 this evening. Not only because it is the first boat of the Challenger of Record to be built after the 31st America's Cup, but also because of her now famous bowsprit.

According to Chris Dickson, CEO of BMW Oracle Racing, the boat is ready to be sailed and tested starting this week. When asked about his plans for the next Louis Vuitton Acts, he left a shroud of uncertainty on whether she will be used in actual racing.

BMW Oracle did not reveal much of the brand new boat except for the bow.

A little pretentious, but after all, you have the right to boast about your boat when you are the Challenger of Record of the America's or do you? Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

Her majesty USA-87 was hidden behind a black screen and a waterfall. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

It was indeed a waterfall that produced nice visual effects. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

USA-87 coming out of her veil and a smokescreen. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

USA-87 coming out of her veil and a smokescreen. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bottle has been smashed and USA-87 christened. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87 from the opposite angle. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87 under the waterfall. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bow of USA-87 as seen from the base terrace. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The bowsprit of USA-87, the first one in an America's Cup yacht since 1992. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The base
It is the biggest of all twelve bases in Port America's Cup, even if it doesn't stand out for its originality or design. Nevertheless, the VIP area is very impressive.

The BMW Oracle base. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The BMW Oracle base. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The BMW Oracle base. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The BMW Oracle base at the end of the show. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The actors
The protagonists of the evening were undoubtedly the desing and build teams.

Ian "Fresh" Burns, chief designer of BMW Oracle and brain behind USA-87. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

The design team of BMW Oracle. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

BMW Oracle's team that built USA-87. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

BMW Oracle's sailing team. Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing

Right after the presentation there was a fashion show by Henri-Lloyd, official clothing supplier of BMW Oracle. Is this kind of attire allowed under the America's Cup Protocol? Valencia, 27 March 2006. Photo taken by Valencia Sailing


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